Expert Virtual Invisalign Orthodontists to help you every step of the way.
Ensure a successful and efficient Invisalign treatment with a proper evaluation, an optimized clincheck treatment plan, and start to finish Orthodontist support.
Our Virtual Orthodontist Services:
Ever find yourself asking is this a good Invisalign case or wondering how long the case will take? Or are you having trouble with an existing case?
CAG's experienced Ortho team is here to help!
New Or Existing Case
Based on your treatment goals and your patients chief concern, one of our expert doctors will provide a digital case evaluation (via email) with the following information:
1. Clinical applicability for Invisalign Treatment
2. Estimated time of treatment (range)
3. Recommended case type
4. Estimated need for attachments and IPR
5. What to watch for (if applicable)
6. Vibration device recommended (Y/N)
Prescription submitted in Invisalign Doctor Site (IDS) for a case evaluation with the following:
1. Records: A set of full Orthodontic photos , Xrays, & clincheck if available.
2. Treatment Goals
3. Chief Concern
Submit Via IDS
1. Create a new patient in IDS*
2. In the general notes write "evaluation" and write your treatment goals and cheif concern. There are two notes sections in the prescription. General notes section is the first one.
3. Upload Records & information
4. Recieve your evaluation within 48 hours in your email account.
* Prescription is not required. Simply create a new patient. Must have CAG IDS account setup first.
3 per month Included with membership
$49 Non-Member
Why plan your clincheck alone, when you can have an expert Invisalign Orthodontist plan it for you to your specification? CAG network Orthodontists are very experienced, are required to attend all of the latest Orthodontist Invisalign CE, and do Invisalign all day everyday! Join C.A.G and have an expert with you everystep of the way!
Here are a few of the benefits:*
1. Reduced Doctor time
2. Shorter treatment times
3. Less visits
4. Increased predictability
5. Better results with less headaches
*compared to average dentist clincheck setup.
1. Discounted Invisalign Lab Bill
We leverage our Diamond Plus group discount to save you money on your lab bill.
2. Customized Orthdontist Clincheck Setups
Based on your treatment goals and to your desired end result, one of our expert Orthodontists will customize your clincheck by requesting some or all of the changes below:
1. Customized attachments to improve movement predictability (when applicable).
2. The location and amount of IPR (if applicable) with the goal of minimizing it's need.
3. Overcorrection or overtreatment of certain movements to increase predictability.
4. Customized staging of movements to maximize predictability.
5. Comprehensive setups: overall improvements to the bite including molars, position of teeth, overjet, overbite, and angulation of teeth.
3. Start to Finish Online Support (Start to Finish Cases)
Have a question or run into a problem during or at the end of case? Simply message your Orthodontist and recieve a response within 48 hours (usually less). Photos are highly recommended.
4. Additional Aligner Clincheck Setups*
We're with you until the end! Most cases require some fine tuning via additional aligners to get it just right.
5. Monitoring & Delivery Guidelines to ensure your case is as efficient as possible.
6. Special attention or notes (if applicable)
To receive all the services listed below, you must be a CAG member and submit your cases through our group Invisalign accout.
*As long its within 6 months of the estimated treatment end date. Additional aligner orders beyond this date (i.e. relapse 2 years down the road due to lost retainer) will be subject to the a single Clincheck setup pricing.
1. CAG membership*
2. Cases submitted and approved in our group Invisalign account.
3. Prescription submitted in your custom CAG Invisalign doctor site*
4. Required Records uploaded to the Invisalign doctor site
A. Photo series
B. Digital Impression with Itero scanner or dual arch PVS impressions.
C. FMX or Pan
*requires one time setup.
1. Submit your Invisalign case
2. Our C.A.G Orthodontist will then plan your case
3. Orthodontist Communication
4. Approve the case
Call for Pricing
Additional Services
Doctor Phone/Zoom Call: $75
(up to15 minutes)
Pulsate Pro 30hz Vibration Device: $69
Submitting a case is easy!
Sign up for CAG membership and recieve your own CAG Invisalign doctor site login. Submit, modify, and approve cases like normal.